Sunday, February 18, 2007

58th Narcissus Queen & Court Official Portraits

Finally got to create the official portraits (for now) of the 58th Narcissus Queen and Court.

Queen Jessica Lau

1st Princess Sibyl Wong
2nd Princess Adrienne Au
3rd Princess Jennifer Lam
4th Princess Julia Chen

Sore Feet

Every year, the Narcissus Queen and Court and the officers of the Chinese Chamber visit the businesses in Chinatown to wish them good luck and prosperity in the new year. The open house visit started on the intersection of Maunakea and King Street with fireworks and lion dance groups.

Of course there were the paparazzi.

The Mayor with the Chamber officers and the Narcissus Queen.

The Lion Dancers with the fireworks.

With the officers of the United Chinese Society

Makeing an appearance at the Chinese Cultural Plaza and feeding the Lions.

Pigging on pizza after walking through Chintown for over four hours (lots of sore feet - including mine and I wasn't even wearing heels).

The court with some of the volunteers who participated in the Chinatown Open House.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

58th Narcissus Coronation Ball

58th Narcissus Queen Jessica Lau

It was an evening of pagentry, Kung Fu Demos, piano entertainment, hula performance by the outgoing court and the crowning of the 58th Narcissus Queen and her Court.
Mayor Mufi Hanneman

4th Princess Julia Chen, 3rd Princess Jennifer Lam, 2nd Princess Adrienne Au, 1st Princess Sibyl Wong
58th Narcissus Queen Jessica Lau
The full court & all contestants with entourage

Being crowned by Mayor Mufi Hanneman
The Queen and the Mayor
The Full Court

Crowning "Mother Hen" Michele Choy